「港文存檔——香港中文大學圖書館香港文學特藏二十周年展」 > 數碼星空 > 詩緒沙田——香港英詩選讀

A Grain of Sand – Poems from Hong Kong

1. Eddie Tay, The Mental Life of Cities

Hong Kong: Chameleon Press, 2010

館藏詳情:The Mental Life of Cities


2. Ho Shew Wan Louise, Incense Tree: Collected Poems of Louise Ho 

Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009

館藏詳情:Incense Tree: Collected Poems of Louise Ho


3. Martin Booth, Gweilo: Memories of a Hong Kong Childhood

London: Double day, 2004

館藏詳情:Gweilo: Memories of a Hong Kong Childhood

4. Andrew Parkin and LaurenceWong, translated by Evangeline Almbergetal., Hong Kong Poems in English and Chinese


Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 1997

館藏詳情:Hong Kong Poems in English and Chinese


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